Summer is here, and yes, you should relax and have fun! Fun could include reading...don't be shocked! A book doesn't need batteries or electricity, it can fit in almost any bag and take you on a trip for free! Plus, if you read, and write a great report, including characters, plot (in sequence), and your favorite part....then you can start in September with an "A".
Check in to my site periodically for other grammar exercises and vocabulary worksheets that you can complete and email to me or bring to school with you in September. Oh, and another easy "A"....keep a writer's journal. Sit in the park even and write about the people you see, the ice-cream truck, the basketball game. While you're at it, add some pictures, drawings or photos...even press a flower or tape in a movie ticket stub!
You all did so well on your State ELA test but research shows that 2 months of no writing or reading can cause scores to drop! Don't let it happen!! See you in September, smarter than ever!
**Para los que el ingles todavia es una gran lucha...aprovecha de los sitios conectados aqui...en septiembre estare hablando mucho mas ingles y van a necesitar un base...porque no practica aqui? Muchos de los sitios que escogi son bilingues...
les veo en septiembre!