Hi Students,
This is a quick post to give you the links for the sites I put on the board today and to give you a reference for how to complete your projects step by step. The key is that first as a group, you create a timeline of an era in American History that interest you. This should be 15-20 events. Then individually you divide up the events and the eighth graders should have 5 each, seventh graders three. Next after designing a really cool time-line (use the sites for examples), you will need to find one document, primary or secondary to accompany each of your 3 to 5 events. Finally you will present the timeline to the class and each group will have a three part question for the class to answer and multiple choice questions for a class quiz to be given once all the presentations are complete. This will be a nice way to end the year and prepare for the 8th grade social studies test!
Let me know if you have questions. If you do not want to work in a group you need to see me immediately.
Here is an example of a primary document and a question to go with it.
Address of John Brown to the Virginia Court:
Now if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the
CHILDREN, and with the blood of millions in slave country whose rights are disregarded
By the wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments – I summit; so LET IT BE DONE.
1. Describe the tone of John Brown’s Address to the Virginia Court.
2. What does Brown admit to? What does he deny?
3. Why was he tried in a Virginia Court and not a federal court?
4. Are Brown’s actions at Harper’s Ferry justified? Explain your viewpoint.
Sampletimelinescanalsobefoundat thefollowingwebsites: (just copy and paste onto your browser)
• AnimatedAtlas:
• WorldAlmanacforKids:
• Libraryof Congress:
• TheHenryFord:
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