Welcome back....and welcome if you are new to GLOBE and new to my web site. 185 is the name of our class this year because we are mostly 8th grade seniors! The room number is 276. The first 8th grade dance is already planned tentatively (tentatively means the date could change) for October 10. Village I is already planning a trip for October 10th as well. What is different about this year is that the trip and the dance will depend on how much homework you have handed in. That goes for everyone in our Village. If you don't know what the homework assignments are, check here. No excuses; you can ask for a library pass and do your homework in the library at lunch or come early to school and Ms. Rose will be in the library and you can do homework there. I would like, for the first homework, to know who your favorite celebrity is. It could be an actor, singer, or sports star and we want to know why you think they achieved success.
Your teachers will be: Ms. Wilson for ELA and Social Studies, Mr. Garcia for Science, Mr. Licari and Ms. Harper for Math and you have art this year instead of music with a teacher named Ms. Rogers. Ms. Coleman is supposed to have a music club. Ms. Wilson and myself are the homeroom teachers and I will be there supporting all of you for all ELA/SS and Science.
UNIFORM: 6/7 wear black pants or skirt with white, black or pink polo shirt (with collar), 8th graders use black pants or skirt with any color polo shirt (with collar)...NO jeans, or T-shirts, except GLOBE T-shirts and gym uniforms.
SCHOOL BEGINS AT 8:40 this year, until extended day begins and then you will need to be at school by 8:00 a.m.
Bienvenidos a los nuevos y a mis estudiantes del pasado. El numero de nuestra clase es 185, y del salon, 276. Ya tenemos cosas divertidas planeadas pero, hay que entregar tarea para obtener pemiso de participar. Hay un baile para los del octavo el 10 de octubre y un paseo el mismo día. No es que decir que las fechas y eventos no se pueden cambiar. La mayoria de ustedes estan en octavo, entonces tenemos un clase llena de lideres! Los maestros estan nombrados arriba. Yo y la Ms. Diaz estamos para ayudarles con su ingles, pero lo mas importante es que ustedes mismos esten practicando con su ingles con sus compañeros de clase..y aqui en este sitio. Uniforme: 6/7 pantalones o faldas negros con camisa blanca, negro o rosada (con collar solamaente), los del octavo: pantalones o faldas negros con camisa de cualquier color (con collar solamente) - NO se pueden usar camisetas, ni vaqueros. La primera tarea es que me escriben quien es su estrella favorita, o que sea cantante, atletico, o actor. Quiero saber porque piensas que tiene exito este persona.
Comenzamos a las 8:40 a.m. por los primeros dias y entonces los que recibiran ayuda extra tienen que venir a las 8:00 a.m.
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